Sunday, April 20, 2008

2 Things Challenge - Masculine / Feminine

One set of low heels, and a set of what we call Finnish high tops on the dance floor. One set belongs to me, the other set belongs to my wife, I'm sure you can figure out who belongs to what.


Kerri Farley said...

Oh, this is cute!
I would say you met this challenge!!

Jilly said...

What fun! The boots look more comfortable than the shoes but then I don't wear heels anymore..

Great way of meeting this challenge.

Anonymous said...

Neat shot. Dramatic difference.

Sally said...

LOL. Clodhoppers - were they made for dancin' ?
Thanks for visiting on my Blogbirth-day!
Sydney Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

Very clever. Don't you have to wonder how women were ever talked into wearing those type of shoes...and worse!

 gmirage said...

Very nice choices, putting them together shows the contrast! Have a nice week ahead!
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Anonymous said...

Mmmm this is too predictable! Have you ever tried to swap?
The shot is fantastic, very well composed, sharp and fun. Well done!

Maya said...

This looks like a painting! Well done. Did you actually try to dance in those?

marley said...

Good shot for the challenge! I like your heels! Lol :)

Kate said...

I could fabricate all kinds of scenarios based upon this photo, Greg!!

Janet Kincaid said...

Excellent interpretation, DL! I was going to make some pithy remark about how those heels just don't seem like your color, but it fell flat, so instead I'll stick with "Nice composition!"

Jane Hards Photography said...

I have perfected the art of running in killers heels to get that great bird shot. My partner has perfected neither. Just as well, he wouldn't suit the heels. Great shot.