Thursday, April 10, 2008

Doree is back!

Bathing Beauty

Doree has returned to our backyard. At least we like to believe this is our Doree. This dove is not shy of us. All the other doves that visit our yard fly off whe we are in view. Here we see Doree preparing to bathe. Yes, I was outside with her and quickly took this photo before hurrying back inside to accomodate her bathing privacy.

Check this link for more summer photos of our dove friend, Doree.


  1. Nice bird pic!


  2. Did you mean to write "Bathing"

    I hope it is your Doree.

    Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio.

  3. Nice picture, and the water isnt all ice.

  4. Her appearance confirms that warmer weather will soon come to you. How sweet to have this friend return!

  5. Glad to see a picture representing sun and Spring! Nice shot. I am a bird lover. Oh and BTW I was down at my fave spot the Stone Arch Bridge area and the lower path area, and walking around to your fave spot yesterday with my son, and got some great shots of Mill Ruins Park area, and the Stone Arch! I got out for that slim 2 hour window of nice weather we had yesterday.

  6. What a sweet photo. I think it's nice that you all name your animal friends. We do, also. For quite a few years, we had a toad (or frog, I can't remember) that the boys named "Jeremy Fisher". When he didn't return one year, we were all a bit disappointed. Now all the frogs that we meet are "Jeremy Fisher".

  7. aww. I love birdwatching. I can't wait to have a backyard so I can put up a feeder and bird bath. This is such a Spring shot! Has it warmed up?

  8. Fabulous it a heated pool?
