Saturday, September 15, 2007

Settembre - Mele (Apples)

Due Occhi Un Soggetto per Settembre. (Two Eyes One Subject for September).

A monthly famiglia project we work on together with our friends near Milano, Italy, Australia and in Arizona. The idea is simple, each month we each submit a photo of the same subject matter, and see the differences that we come up with.

Un viaggio di pomeriggio al meleto per selezionare le mele. Perfezioni per le torte di mela di cottura e per mangiare. Speriamo che godiate queste mele deliziose!

An afternoon trip to the apple orchard to pick apples. Perfect for baking apple pies and for eating. We hope you enjoy these delicious apples!


  1. I wish I could grab a few of those beauties right now!

  2. I find that the colors of these apples are perfectly saturated.
