Wednesday, December 16, 2009



A trip downtown to Macy's 8th floor auditorium display with Dan and Mitch to view 'A Day in the Life of an Elf'. This was a repeat of last year's Christmas display theme. I am not sure why this one remained the same for this year; perhaps the poor economy? Let us hope for a new spectacular Christmas display next year.

For more than four decades, the 8th floor has brought Christmas delight and memories to generations of families at the then Dayton's. This is an annual event for so many families - the chance to visit downtown Macy's, view the Christmas display, Christmas shop and dine either at the Oak Room or Skyroom restaurants up on the 12th floor. A tradition of decades.


Kate said...

The small child looks a bit like an elf himself! He appears to be transfixed by the lovely display. A repeat or not, it's beautiful and you photographed it well.

Leif Hagen said...

You captured the magical glow and colors of the display well! We saw it last year - waiting to go again until next year!

Dan J. said...

This photo is even more excellent when you realize how dark it was in that room. The kids amazement really makes the shot.

B SQUARED said...

Those traditions seem to be ending with the growth of the suburban malls.

Sharon said...

I love this photo and what a perfect title. The display seems to be casting its magic on that young one who is watching.

Thérèse said...

Christmas displays in Arizona (at least around Phoenix) are very sad looking with dark, dark colors for this year...
We should all be able to look at Christmas light through this child's eyes.

marley said...

I love how the liitle boy doesn't know what to look at first. He can't seem to take it all in! Great festive photo.

Lowell said...

What a nice tradition! And a beautiful shot.