Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sky Crane Removal

Hello Down There...

Mitch, Dan, and I spent a few minutes watching these guys high up in the air working on the removal of this sky crane.


Babzy.B said...

wow , what a show !

Olivier said...

de vrais alpinistes

Roz said...

Hello Mr. & Mrs. Dusty! Long time no chat! I am doing some research on DSLR's and wanted to get your expert opinion on the recent cameras on the market by Nikon or Canon. Do you have a moment to either email me or post on my blog your recommendations? Thanks Roz (my email is at the very bottom of my blog!) Have a great day in Minnesota!

Maya said...

I always wondered how they build the cranes that build the tallest of tall buildings!

RogerB said...

Excellent action photo!

Christchurch Photo Diary said...

I understand the fascination. I am often mesmerised by people working up high or in any potentially dangerous situation.

Dan Glăvan said...

skyscrapers wouldn't exist without them :) i wonder what it's like to wake up every morning and know that you'll be spending the entire day 300 feet above the ground...