Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Stand By Me

Across the Bridge

Northbound BNSF

The morning Mitch and I went searching for the NorthStar Commuter Rail Line and reminded me of the movie Stand By Me. It was an adventure being chased down by a freight train on the bridge. OK, we weren't really chased down, there was a wide platform area a safe distance away from the tracks. But care was taken to remain a safe distance away. In the movie, the 3 kids were looking for a dead boy; we witnessed 3 opossums crossing the rails at a very wrong time. Creepy similarity. After our brief detainment by the transit authorities for being at a place where we shouldn't have been, we met up with Dan to further the days adventure.

Breakfast at Hell's Kitchen downtown was disappointing; over priced and lack of substance. I've been more satisfied with a box of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, a mixing bowl, and a carton of milk. However, second breakfast at Macy's Skyroom on the 12th floor made up for the poor first breakfast. Yet the adventure continued.

Have a look at Mitchster's PoleCam tm in action, the last venue of our adventurous day.


Olivier said...

belle référence à la nouvelle de Stephen King

Jilly said...

What great train shots. I love the colours and the movement. Almost makes me understand why little boys - and BIG boys! - love trains! Only kidding, actually I love train travel.

Julie ScottsdaleDailyPhoto.com said...

I always love your train photos. they are truly excellent and your post work is wonderful.

Virginia said...

I dare ya to lay on on those tracks for a better shot DL!

Kate said...

Interesting that you mentioned the movie made by Stephen King's book, The Body. I just saw him at the Fitzgerald Theatre as part of Talking Volumes (see my blog!) and he mentioned that the main character in the book is somewhat patterned after himself as a kid. This just after my husband mentioned (whispered) to me that he thought it marvelous how King could get into the mind of a young boy. Your train images are wonderful!

Lowell said...

Are all of your photos HDR lately? I like the effect, but it doesn't seem quite like HDR ... something else?

Don and Krise said...

It sounds like the three musketeers were out wreaking havoc again. Good for you guys.

Babzy.B said...

The first shot is awesome !! I remenber quiet well the movie "Stand by me " a good one !

Maya said...

I loved that movie. I also loved the short story it was based on. Poor opposums!

Mitch said...

Heal up quickly my fellow miscreant, we need to go back and find more trouble, I'm running short.