Tuesday, December 22, 2009

At the Mall

Parallel Concourse

Indoor Cafe

On a recent photo walkabout, Dan, Mitch, Mickey and I captured the Christmas displays at Mall of America.


Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

You always have that perfect contrast! Great work!!

You new site is cool. Congrats!! But it took a bit more time to open; maybe, my internet connection is slow. But your new site is just perfect :)


Jilly said...

What great shots, Rob. The detail is fantastic. I can only stand so much shopping and then always make for the food hall!

Kate said...

It looks like there would be lots of choices there! I think I'll join Jilly in the food court...wanna come along?!

Dan J. said...

Seriously cool lighting in these.

In no way do I want to be anywhere near there....until say after the first.