Thursday, December 4, 2008

Homemade Bread

French Rustic Wheat Boules. No, not store bought chemical sponge bread like wonder loaves. Time to start baking real bread made with real ingredients. The recipe is simple; flour, water, sea salt and yeast.
I thought I'd return the favor to Virginia for her boulangerie post.


  1. du bon pain, ce que je préfère dans le pain, c'est l'odeur quand il est fait au four et qu'il est encore chaud. belle photo.
    some good bread, what I prefer in the bread, it is the smell when it is made in the oven and that it is still hot. nice photograph.

  2. My soggy croissant has just lost it's appeal. I am vitually biting into this wonderful sight and imaging it's aroma. Gorgoeus.

  3. Oh, it looks crunchy and delicious!

  4. Oh man, this looks so good! I have never met a carbohydrate I didn't like ;)

  5. ahem...when are you bringing this to work?

  6. Passer le brie et beurre and verser moi another verre de vin blanc s'il vous plait DL. Look I almost strung an entire French sentence together. I have no idea if the words are in the right order but you get my drift. This pain is so gorgeous I almost started crying when I saw it! Merci!!

  7. Virginia is right about the butter and a glass of white wine and she got the sentence perfectly right!
    One can nearly smell the freshly baked bread in your photo. I have a bakery close to where I live and in the wee small hours of the morning when I open the shutters I can smell this wonderful scent! Un saluto da Arona!
