Sunday, December 28, 2008

Two Things Challenge - Real / Fake

Real of Fake?
This week's 2 Things Challenge is Real or Fake with an old recycled photo from a couple of years ago. I took the creative luxury with Photoshop to enhance this image.


Anonymous said...

Am I to think from this that you don't enhance any of your other images in Photoshop?? It's my darkroom and most all of my photos are tweaked in one way or another: cropping, vibrance, etc. If you don't, then I'm even more impressed with your shots than before!

Anonymous said...

A dusty lens is no obstacle to good photos, if you have the talent ... and some tools! :-)

Virginia said...

You are a wiz at the PS my friend.

Maya said...

So, what did you do exactly? The boat and area around it look sharper...

Anonymous said...

Hoping this is not inappropriate for your blog.

However, this being said, our Company, Atlas Signs and Plaques, a Wisconsin business, desires photos of some metal coating work we accomplished in Austin MN. We made a little contest out of it and offer a gift certificate to the winner. Details on our blog

