Saturday, November 10, 2007

First Snow

Friday while at the office, our receptionist yelled out, "It's snowing"!
Work briefly stopped as many of us left our little fabric boxes in the cube farm heading toward the distant windows in the conference rooms.
Many "ooh's", and "ah's" could be heard. Someone muttered, "I'll bet this will mess up the evening commute".
I grabbed my camera and headed outside to catch a pic of our first snow from our parking lot. Although it didn't last long and it all melted within minutes, this still counts as the first snow. More to come...unfortunately...


Lynette said...

I am so glad that you took time to go outside and take this photo! Thanks!

Jim Klenke said...

I think that looks beautiful. Its going to be 80 here again tomorrow.

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

I love this photo! It looked great in the portal and it's even more beautiful when enlarged. Snow... I love it in the countryside, hate it in the city.

Steve Cuddihy said...

what the hell? This has to be the first time I've ever been glad to not have windows in the office I work in. I did not see any snow this week and I'm not ready to see it this early in the season. said...

snowing now?
in the south of Switzerlnd today we have a splendid sun

Kate said...

This is a great photo! I am slightly amused at the "stop" sign and the rapid way the snow stopped. Think there's a connection?

Bergson said...

It snows everywhere and here it is always dry

Kerri Farley said...

Very pretty shot! No snow here yet... but I have been seeing it a lot on blogs I visit. I'm not looking forward to it.