Here in the north metro, our city planners decided it was high time we step into the new millenia and follow our European brethern by building a number of round abouts. This will get rid of only a few of those complicated 4-way stops. Personally, I like these new round-abouts. Traffic flows more smoothly with less congestion.
Consider the 4-way stop; too complicated for many. Some just can't quite figure out who's turn it is to proceed forward from the stop.
Sometimes we wait while the first in line waves to the other across the intersection to proceed ahead, while the person being waved at insists that the waver proceeds. In the meantime, nobody is moving; we are now 7 vehicles deep in all four directions.
No doubt these same people who have trouble with the 4-way stops will find the round-about a difficult procedure to follow. I've seen some stop, blink their turn signals and wait until the "cows come home" before proceeding.

But look at how many signs they put in place. I am surely positive this is the work of the over zealous sign manufacturing lobby. We have a sign that warns the driver of the upcoming round-about, (as if we can't see it in the first place). Notice how these unsightful signs detract and block the lovely street lamps.
Next is a yellow yeild ahead sign that tells the commuter that there is a yeild sign ahead. Gee, thanks for this warning, I may have missed that bright red yield sign.
Then we have a sign that warns us of a cross-walk. Wow, do these people think us commuters as stupid. We can plainly see the white cross-walk stripes. These white stripes are internationally known as a cross-walk.
Even the pedestrians are insulted along with us commuters with the addition of the little arrow sign that points cleverly toward the painted crosswalk stripes in the street.
And of course we have the ever useful no parking sign. Dangit! parking in the middle of a round-about is the best place to park one's vehicle. (please note the sarcasm from the crumudeonly author)
Sign Blight
Our esteemed city council deeded that a Day-Care in a residential area to be against the city zoning regulations. It was just a simple little sign to advertise a Daycare facility so we the commuters would have a care when driving down that street. Also to let parents know of this new Children Day care facility.
Down the Daycare sign went. Seems strange to me to worry about a little Daycare sign, yet the council blights our city with a mirriad of insulting and quite obvious street signs throughout the city.
"Sign Sign everywhere a sign
Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign"
For more on Champlin's cute roundabouts, please see