Thursday, December 20, 2007

BBQ Blues

I've been feeling kinda' bluesy, lately. Perhaps an overload from too much Christmas Cheer; too much HO ho hoing, too much caroling. Tonight, I'll put on some great blues tunes and stop in at the local BBQ joint.

Famous Dave's BBQ is pretty darn good. He has some fabulous BBQ sauces, marinades, and rubs. One of the few "chain" restaurants I don't mind. Dave's can be found in only a handful of suburbs around the Twin Cities, (unlike the primary chain restaurants that plauge our cities). This shop happens to be in Maple Grove, a northwest suburb of Minneapolis


  1. I love Dave's! They aren't just in the suburbs either, the flagship is the Jazz Club/Restaurant in Uptown at Calhoun Square. Best BBQ around. Next time you go, get the All American Feast, it's awesome.

    - Mitch

  2. l'enseigne de ce BBQ est très reussie

    The sign of this BBQ is very successful

  3. My hubby is a Big Blues Fan! He has turned me onto the Blues and I am enjoying listening to it also!

    This looks like a neat place...I LOVE BBQ!
