Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Late Night

Late night tonight as Thanksgiving and (shudder) Christmas plans are being discussed. I have always wondered why we ruin Thanksgiving to discuss Christmas. Ah well, it's tradition I suppose. I need a pick-me-up. How about a Coffee Granita! I think I'll need a triple bourbon to get through the holidays, though.


  1. Bourbon granita ???? Now you're talkin' my language. my friend mentioned Jack Daniels in a bistro in Paris and these two characters in the bar were heard to mumble something like, " Americans, Jock Daniels! " HA Well we would have shown the how to put some down but the Jock Daniels was way too expensive, so we settled for .....vin of course. I have more bread and a cheese shop up my sleeve and ........................macarons! OMG! It doesn't take much to make an old lady swoon these days.

  2. PS. :Love your new photo. I thought I had you pegged. Nope, you look entirely different but that's not a BAD thing, just a DIFFERENT thing.
    ( Can you tell I am still like wired or something? Somebody needs to knock me in the head and put me to bed! )

  3. comme on dit en France "Santé" et surtout je te souhaite une bonne Thanksgiving.

  4. Looks yummy! I wish people wouldn't rush Christmas either...why even Halloween isn't safe from being over run any more! By the way, nice mug shot :-)

  5. Hmmm, I'm not sure I'd want one of these. But, you could sign me up for the burbon!
