Sunday, November 16, 2008

Two Things Challenge - Bent / Straight

Uniform Grazing
These cows lined up straight with heads bent down to gain access to the luscious grass on the other side of the straight line electric fence. Proof that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

Camera Model Name Canon PowerShot A710 IS

Tv (Shutter Speed) 1/200

Av (Aperture Value) 4.5


  1. What a fabulous image!! I LOVE cows!!

  2. on peut chanter la chanson des "demoiselles de Rochefort"

    "Nous sommes deux sœurs jumelles
    Nées sous le signe des Gémeaux
    Mi fa sol la, mi ré
    Ré mi fa sol sol sol ré do
    Toutes deux demoiselles
    Ayant eu des amants très tôt
    Mi fa sol la, mi ré
    Ré mi fa sol sol sol ré do...."

    you can sing the song "The Young Girls of Rochefort"

    "We are twin sisters
    Born under the sign of Gemini
    Mi fa soil, re mi
    Re mi fa sol ground floor re do
    Both ladies
    Having been lovers early
    Mi fa soil, re mi
    Re mi fa sol re do ...."

  3. Always greener on the other side, not only for the cows...
    Quite a shot the Westminster Church!

  4. I love this! So perfect for this challenge. You really stepped outside the box on this one. Well done!

  5. somehow they are so retro.
    I like the straight and bent wire too.
    Yay, cows! they look so suspicious and unfriendly - maybe worried you were going to get their greener grass?

  6. Lol.Great entry. I love the eye contact too.
