Sunday, May 3, 2009

Doe, A Deer, A Female Deer

Ray, a drop of golden sun...

I've been spending a lot of time at the Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park, lately. Many mornings, I meet up with fellow Osprey viewing
regulars to check on the progress of the nesting pair. On a side trip along one of the trails, we spotted these three deer. Matter of fact, there were nearly 20 deer around us. Check out Ron's nature report here; Nature Walks and Thoughts. Ron has wonderful bird photos, a wealth of knowledge and has a knack for spotting and pointing out birds for us to photo-shoot.

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june said...

I'd head out if I were in the 'hood :-) Nice trio captured...

cieldequimper said...

Fantastic! All three of them together poised like that!

Unknown said...

Very nice shot. I rarely get as close as this when I try to "shoot" deer, perhaps because I'm a bit too impatient. It's allways nice to go out with locals as they have a chest full of knowledge.

Anonymous said...

What a great Deer shot!

Babzy.B said...

That's a great shot ! I'd like to experiment this kind of wildlife surounded by 20 deers !

Just Roaming The Cities said...

Great one! I see the sharpening tool works well on your computer :)
The Egret is also fantastico !

Lowell said...

I think they have you in their sights! Love the shot!

Maya said...

Great shot!

Emm said...

Oh, lovely! I love deer!