Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Egret Fan

Practice with panning. Now if I can get him to stand still in a pond for a reflection photo.


Mike said...

Great action shot, who needs a reflection anyway?
I'm interested in the bird ID its hard to tell but could it actually be a heron?

Whatever more of the same please.

Thérèse said...

The egret's breast is kind of weird with the wind I presume. Great shot. You are perfecting your art by the day.

Babzy.B said...

Nice bird in action, i like the feathers , i've posted today a bird too ;)

Olivier said...

magnifique, un bel arrêt sur image.

beautiful, a very nice still picture.

Terry in Indiana said...

Love the egrets! And what a great photo!!! Thanks for sharing with us.

Unknown said...

Even without a reflection this is a stunning photo.

BTW Sorry, but you've been tagged:-)

For info visit

june said...

Excellent Rob!

Susan said...

Beautiful shot! I've always wanted to catch one in flight (I have one with a reflection - Great job with the panning too.

Lowell said...

These are hard to catch sharp in flight - you did great! Please post the reflection one when you get it!

marley said...

Practice has made perfect. Excellent shot.

Sharon said...

Incredible shot. You can see each feahter! Just beautiful

Ken Mac said...

holy moly this is astounding!! wow

Anonymous said...

Nice! I like the bread, the photos and the bike ride. Perfect combo!

The bird is amazing, as well. Tried to comment above, but blogger is acting up...

Julie said...

elegant and gorgeous!

NikonSniper said...

love egrets ... i got shots almost every week but nothing like this. great capture.