Sunday, May 24, 2009

Gotta' Scratch

I tagged along behind this deer for 15 minutes. She didn't seem to mind my presence, but always tried to keep a tree or shrub between us.


Anonymous said...

Great shot, your persistance payed off!

Unknown said...

Nice photo. Looks like she's scratching her nose...

Babzy.B said...

really nice capture of this leg motion , original !

Terry in Indiana said...

Very cute! Thanks for sharing!

Lowell said...

Deer me, that's cute!

Maya said...

Unbelievable shot. Truly unbelievable!

Julie said...

you are obviously a good tracker. Quite enjoyable photo.

Blind Fly Theater said...

Beautiful photo... I know you've said in a recent post that these deer are used to a human presence, but it's amazing that you could follow this one around for 15 minutes. My encounters never seem to last more than 15 seconds before they bolt. Great job, and great photo. Thanks...

marley said...

Cute photo. You were lucky to be able to track her.

Just Roaming The Cities said...

Gosh, I know how hard deer are to get. Great job! And congrats on your blogging anniversary.
You and Werner and mitchster up for a como visit soon? Weekends are tough now for summer, with parties, camping and fishing and all, but maybe a Thursday or Friday?