Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day

Actually, the day after Memorial Day. We're back in town now after a weekend with my family in northern Minnesota.

Normandy Beaches

American Cemetery, Normandy, France
Photos from the archive. These photos were taken in April of 2008.


  1. ...and many got their freedom thanks to the sacrifice of many other.

  2. beautiful tribute , and what a shock when you see the 2 shots !

  3. The vista of Normandy beach is splendid.
    Congratulations on the fantastic 2 years.

  4. belles photos pour cet hommage aux combattants
    beautiful pictures for this tribute to soldiers

  5. I'm going to admit something that I really shouldn't. Don't tell anyone.

    About 10 years ago my Norwegian cousin & I were taking the train around northern France and just getting off whenever the mood hit. So we got off at one quaint little town, and we poked around. Then we were puzzled. Why the heck did they have all these statues of soldiers and tanks and even General Patton. It took awhile to reach the "ohhhhhhh, yes."

  6. So very nice, DL. Excellent photography. It amazes me that a place so soaked in blood, tears and sheer terror can ultimately end up looking so attractive! The young man who was to marry my aunt was killed aboard ship on DDay.

  7. It is important to remember those who sacrificed their lives for us.

  8. The picture of the cemetery is just perfect!

  9. LOL, I was wondering if I'd missed something about American geography! Northern Minnesota looks VERY nice! ;-)

  10. Hi Dusty, We will remember them in the morning, and the going down of the sun.

  11. The graveyard pattern is stunning in deed!

  12. Very nice. And we can remember our veterans any ol' day of the year.

  13. That cemetery shot is great! I posted a cemetery with a view shot today too. Great minds...

  14. Always impressed to see these enormous cemeteries on the Normandy beaches! Your President will soon get the opportunity to visit them also!
