Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Color Me Graffiti

Blue Graffitti


More graffiti seen along the banks of the Mississippi River.


Dan Glăvan said...

Very few people understand that graffiti is a modern form of art...I don't agree with it being performed in places where it can ruin the looks and aspect, however if organized by the city council for example, it can do wonders with old places :)

Gunn said...

I agree with Dan.
I think this is so bright and nice, and is ART! ;-)

John said...

Art form, I guess so; photo subject, very much so. Great colour in these, and I must say I like seeing graffiti, providing it is not vandalism. Maybe vandalism is subjective as well.

B SQUARED said...

If nothing else, it is colorful.

James said...

You really brought out the color in this.

Virginia said...

I"m sure you've been anxiously waiting for me to stop by and blow into another rant. Well I'll give you a break today DL. Nice color. :)

marley said...

Very colourful! Great contrast to yesterdays photo.

kyungmee said...

very cool..I always love graffiti images