Monday, November 23, 2009

Light Pods

Light Pods

Repeating perspective inside Orchestra Hall.


Don and Krise said...

Excellent repeating pattern. Love it in black and white too. Good choice.

Janet Kincaid said...

Nice pattern, DL. I really like the line of sight. Well done!

Olivier said...

beau b&w, le noir est la plus belle des lumieres

Janet said...

Very beautiful and unique black and white.

Maya said...

The light and patterns in this shot are magnificent!

José luis said...

Un trabajo fantástico, mi admiración, un saludo desde España.

Virginia said...

I love shots like these but want to know what color they are when lit??

Anonymous said...

How did you get this angle, are you hanging from the rafters?

Ken Mac said...

lovely and liquid

marley said...

Very cool. I like this one.