Monday, November 16, 2009

Skipping Down Nicollet Mall

Heading Down the Mall

Heading north on the Nicollet Mall


Olivier said...

belle photo b&w de rue, j'aime ce style de photo

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Perfect contrast

My Birthday

Leif Hagen said...

There you go being all "artsy fartsy" on us again! Brilliant snap!

Thérèse said...

The street seems so small compared to the surroundings!

HightonRidley said...

Well seen and taken Rob. Maybe a little more breathing space at the top of the tower?

Is that lady on the left taking a photo? hehe!

Lowell said...

Very powerful b&w, DL. The Nicollet Mall still seems somewhat strange to me as it didn't exist when I lived in Minneapolis. And even though I've been there, I'm still in awe of all the changes over the years.