Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I 35W Streaks

I 35W Streaks

Streaking south on Interstate 35W into Minneapolis. This is the new 35W bridge in it's blue glow.


Don and Krise said...

Nice job on this one. Really crisp.

Babzy.B said...

it was an emergency shot ;)

AB said...

Great idea to add the red streaks to the other lights. It works very well

Thérèse said...

Was it hard to get to the spot you got the awesome picture from?

Emm said...

What a lovely, exciting photo! I love night shots like this and you've done it really well.

Ken Mac said...


Dan J. said...

I've got just three words for ya on this one......

Uber Wicked Cool !!!!!!!

Reilly said...

How'd you do this?