Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Pole Cam

High Altitude Photography

PoleCam Capture

Mitchster in action. Remote Shutter Releasing

Mitch, Dan, and I tested out Mitch's engineous new PoleCam tm. It worked out great! Although quite a bit of a scare hoisting it up and bringing it back down to earth when fully extended to 26 feet, (8 meters). There is considerable wobble fully extended. i am anxious to see the shots from PoleCam.


Olivier said...

original pour faire des photos ;o))

John said...

Should give a unique viewpoint for some shots.

Babzy.B said...

Wow , risky !Probably a good way to make interesting shots !!

Thérèse said...

That's photography! I love it. I hope you will show us...

Jim Klenke said...

That would scare me, I would have to start with a camera I didnt mind losing.

db said...

That's pretty cool. I saw something like that on TV once where they had the camera on top of a pole and it was mounted inside a wood frame and could be tilted and rotated remotely using servo motors. I've been wanting to try this for a while.

B SQUARED said...

Certainly would provide an interesting angle.

Dan J said...

It was only really scary when he had it fully extended. Thats when things got really wobbly. At about 18 to 20 feet it was only mildly scary.
All in all I was glad it was not my camera hoisted in the air like that... but I will say Mitch got some seriously cool shots.

Ken Mac said...

what the??

Virginia said...

That scares the hell out of me. I'd crash my camera into the pavement in a Mobile minute. I want to see those pics asap!

Lowell said...

There ain't no way I'm putting my D300 up on that thingy!

What in the world was he photographing? And why?

Don and Krise said...

We'll be looking for the shots soon.

Mitch said...

Thanks for helping me with this, I'm still leveling and sorting the shots, but the first PoleCamTM shot is up at !

Prasanth Iranikulam said...

Nice Idea, can you post some shots with it?

Dan J. said...

I still laugh when I look at this. Even if it had turned out to be a total failure..... I.E. the pictures had not turned out.....of which it SO was not.... it was one of the more fun and hilarious shoots we had been on. Finding ways to exercise the PolCamTM was an operation in comedy all by itself..... we WERE the three stooges.

Maya said...

I'd like to see those shots too!!