Tuesday, March 25, 2008

MOA Insider

Going down, or coming up. Escalators help rest your weary feet at Mall of America, (MOA).

Criss cross of bridging corridors take shoppers through the "habitrail " maze of shops at Mall of America.


Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hey Rob,
We 've just been gone for a whil e and visited not your (and other) blogs, I lik to see this mall, just as 'if I am there" in the middle..

We went on holiday for this easter , so I made dome cute photo's of the eater decorations at the frontdoor, come and see how we celebrate easter in Europe,

Anonymous said...

Boy this seems old hat to me. I guess not though. It is a reminder of our Salem Mall which was destroyed by kids and finally the mall had to close for lack of adults with money. And now there is nothing there as the buildings are all gone. Amazing.

Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

Just Roaming The Cities said...

This is one of my favorite things about the MOA (one of my favorite places in all of Minneasota, by the way) and that is the way it was designed so open, where you can see so many colors, designs, and layers and levels at once. I watched a special on the MOA about 5 years ago on the Discovery channel and it showed how even the deliveries comethrough the back entrances and there's a whole-nother set of walkways for the deliveries back behind every store, so you never even see stuff being hauled through the regular corridoors and halls. I think this place is just so awesome in so many ways! Between the two of us I bet we have hundreds of pics of the Mall!
Have a good day! Hey- the sun just peeked out here!

Olivier said...

superbe ce labyrinthe. j'aime beaucoup
haughtiness this maze. I like very much

marley said...

That is a lot of walk ways! I bet its annoying if you get to the bottom and then remember you wanted something on the top floor! :)

NikonSniper said...

Love the escalators. What a great shot. Never been to the mall.