Monday, September 8, 2008

Northwoods Cove Revisited

OK, I have posted this image before. I'll let you go back and search for it if need be. I was disappointed in how the first image turned out. I am a bit happier with this one. But still, I'd like to try again. My aim was to capture more of the stars in the sky while showing some definition in the foreground without pitch black background.
Exposure: 30 sec (30)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 17 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Exposure Bias: 0/3 EV


  1. Its gorgeous--no need to worry.
    Doing any more camping this year?

  2. This is perfect. Moody and beautiful. I can hear the crickets.

  3. I'd say mission accomplished...

  4. You absolutely nailed it. Gorgeous. BTW, do you EVER have a mediocre photograph???

  5. Well, you may not like this photo, but I think it's stunning! One of these days, I'm going to come up to your neck of the woods and take a lesson or two from you and Ms. Phoebe!

  6. Pretty perfect to me, but I know what your're after. Twinkling stars can get lost in such a deep coloured sky.
    It's hard to judge a scene without being there for light etc. Everything looks fine, but maybe playing aroun with the exp time might crack it. Either way. It's a real winner and I'd have been proud to take this, really proud.

  7. Well, if your intention was to draw attention to the stars, then I say Well Done! That was the first thing I noticed. I like the shot. It makes me want to go camping and look up at the stars!

  8. i like that you express your photographic desires for the pics. tripod for sure right? Great detail.

  9. Nice shot, like the dark blue color of the water. Heading up to the camper this weekend and hope to get some night shots too.
