Monday, January 14, 2008

Suburban Trail

The trail that separates the neighborhoods; older neighborhoods on the right beyond the trees, new development on the left. This morning, the trails were empty, too chilly to walk. In summer, these trails are packed with people enjoying the summer evenings.


Anonymous said...

very beautiful view and treatment

Lara said...

wonderful photo!

Olivier said...

une belle invitation à une promenade.

A beautiful invitation to a walk.

joey said...

Haven't stopped by in awhile & see that I've missed some 'good stuff'!
Happy New Year!

Susan said...

I like this shot very much! It looks very familiar to my formerly "Twin City" mind.

marley said...

It looks like a cold, fresh day for a walk. I think I would prefer a summer evening!

Pat said...

Very nice capture. Not that much snow now after the big snows you've had so far this winter.


Guelph Daily Photo, Pat's Photo-a-Day

Kerri Farley said...

I would LOVE to walk down this trail!