Monday, February 18, 2008

Downtown Skate

If you should go skating On the thin ice of modern life...
Ice skating rink on Lake of the Isles with downtown Minneapolis in the background.


  1. belle photo de nuit, mais cela ne doit pas ĂȘtre facile de prendre des photos sur des patins ;o)

    Photo beautiful night, but it should not be easy to take pictures on skates ;o)

  2. Looks like a big skating rink. Where are all the people?

  3. here skating, on my blog skiing... spring is so far away!

  4. That look like fun but I hate skating! I love all the snow and ice :)

  5. They're brave! You wouldn't catch me skating on the lake, that's for sure (well, you probably would as I'd be the one sitting on my backside having fallen over after about 2 seconds!).
