Friday, February 15, 2008

The Strib

Streetside Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper box.


  1. beautiful color contrast

  2. Nice way of classifying PCW! The Strib is a good paper. I enjoy reading it online.

    Love the blue and the green against the dirty snow, which actually ends up looking quite... erm... prettyish for weeks-old snow.

  3. Green, my fave color, and it's soooo outstanding in your snow shot! Spring is coming, so hang in there. Crocuses bloomed in my garden this morning and the sun was out, but it's back to rain and more storms soon, I hear.
    Seattle Daily Photo

  4. un beau contrasme dans les couleurs. J'aime bien ces distributeurs de journaux, et je regrette que l'on est pas cela en France

    Contrasme in a beautiful colors. I like these distributors of newspapers, and I regret that we are not that into France

  5. Bright green against dirty snow, nice photo :)
