Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dutch Oven Pot Roast

JB at the office thought it was time for some food photos. I concur.
Saturday afternoon we prepared the dutch oven to cook a pot roast over the firepit.
The recipe I used was Byron's "Dutch Oven Pot Roast; http://papadutch.home.comcast.net/~papadutch/dutch-oven-recipe-potroast.htm

Most recipes direct cooking the dutch over with charcoal. But we have plenty of wood on hand for the main heat below the fire grate. I only used charcoal on top of the oven. The trouble was a south wind at 20 MPH. More wood was needed to maintain a constant temperature, as was shifting the wood coals around to keep from over heating the oven. All in all, it was over a 3 hour cook.

The end result was delicious! And thanks to Mark's Black Pot for the great tips and information cooking with dutch ovens. http://marksblackpot.blogspot.com/


Olivier said...

hummm...belle photo qui fait saliver d'envie ;o)
hummm ... beautiful picture which drool with envy ;o)

Babzy.B said...

Waou it looks good ! Patience is always granted ;)

Tash said...

There you are impressing us with your photos and your cooking again! & IT is VERY impressive! Wish I was closer so I could barge in an taste some.

airplane5312 said...

Looks very much like my Hungarian Goulash attempt a few months back, which unfortunately didn't turn out (meat was tough and dry). Thanks for the link, next time I'll try one of those recipes.

Anonymous said...

With the cold weather coming I think stews will be on the menu a lot. Thanks for the recipe!

Virginia said...

Good call JB at Work! D.L., were you a pioneer in another life? I am so impressed with this chuckwagon method ( I saw a competition on Food Network) ! It looks divine. I am going after the recipe and putting it in my new crock pot. I was NOT a pioneer in another life. I was a wealthy Parisian lady living in a fabulous apartment overlooking the Louvre!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kudos! I'm glad your first dutch oven attempt was such a suuccess!

Louis la Vache said...

Well, you've succeeded in making "Louis" hungry...

Maya said...

That looks delicious! My dad used to put them in a hole and cover them up for awhile.

Baruch said...

Oh yummmm!!! That's what we call "Potjie kos" - a traditional South African dish. "Potjie" - referring to the black pot and "kos" refers to the food.